Thursday, March 10, 2011

Word Game

"In the Movie Eat. Pray. Love. The Heroin is in search of a word that encapsulates herself after playing a game to find a word that is Rome (It turns out that word was Sex). London's was Stuffy and New York was Ambition. What is Edmonton's word? I'd say Connected but I'm biased being at NOW! and all! :) ~Pagers"

So... I follow 102.3 Now! Radio on Facebook, and the other day, the radio host Rebecca Page posted the above statement.  I thought it was kind of interesting and related pretty well to 380!

What do you think Edmonton's word would be?  I say "cold"... my boyfriend says "grey"... If I had to pick a more serious would, I could settle for "diverse"?  What do you think!?


  1. Interesting that you should mention this - a while back, I asked a similar question, not to the blogger world, but to the facebook one - see my results in this post:

    I should also confess that I did not contribute a word to my own survey - it's so hard to find a single word to encompass a place that for me holds so many diverse (your word) fragments of lived experience.

  2. Going along with todays class an idea I have for a word that describes some parts of Edmonton in a negative way would be "industrial".

  3. I want to say "cold" too.
    But more seriously/positively, what about "growing" ... I feel like Edmonton has so much potential.

  4. Have you read Sarah's blog? (onearrow) She suggests Northern Gothic. I know, I know, *technically* that's two words - but worth considering!
